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Community & Behavioral Health | Recovery | Social Change


Changing the Conversation

Molly Richard

Molly Richard
Molly is an Analyst for C4's Research Team. Before joining C4, she was a residential counselor at a program for youth who had experienced complex trauma. She is driven by a passion for equity and an interest in the role of innovative and participatory research in supporting social change.
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Recent Posts

After Orlando: Reflections on LGBTQ Solidarity

The Friday before Pulse Nightclub’s Latin Night was the target of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history (read Marc Dones' thoughts on the impact of the tragedy in Orlando), I was in Boston at Machine Nightclub’s Latin Night. At this local gay nightclub packed for Pride weekend, my friend and I danced, waited too long at the bar for overpriced drinks, cheered Latinx drag performers and gogo dancers, and left before the bar closed to get a good night’s sleep for the rest of the celebratory weekend.

The next morning, the Saturday morning before Pulse Nightclub’s Latin Night, I hurried to the Boston Pride float I was walking with and took in an unexpected sight. Of the more than 50 people already there, about three quarters were wearing sombreros, in assorted colors and patterns, ready to march to represent a prominent LGBTQ-focused organization that has no unique ties to the Latinx community.

I exchanged a few words with my friends about it. Did you know about this? Whose idea was this? Should we say something?

Racism, Homelessness, and Social Justice

On August 26th, t3 hosted a webcast titled “Racism, Homelessness, and Social Justice” with Center for Social Innovation (C4) CEO Jeff Olivet.

 “It has struck me over the years that a lot of people talk about health disparities, they talk about cultural competence, they talk about a lot of things in a lot of euphemisms and sugar-coated language, and rarely do we name what we’re seeing: Racism.”

Developing Trauma-Informed Classrooms

Schools in every corner of the United States serve children who have experienced homelessness or are currently homeless. Nearly 2.5 million children are now homeless in our country each year—that’s one out of thirty children. Children in our schools have lived on the streets, in cars, and in motels. They’ve moved in and out of crowded emergency shelters. They've experienced severe violence, abuse, neglect, and hunger. Traumatic events like these occur before or during homelessness, or too often both.

An Urgent Priority: The Mental Health of Children Experiencing Homelessness

Before I joined the Center for Social Innovation, I worked at a residential treatment program for adolescent girls with behavioral health issues. All had experienced severe or recurring trauma. Most were neglected or abused by a person close to them. For some, their childhood trauma included periods of homelessness. They had spent time on the streets, in shelters, doubled up with friends or family members, and in unstable housing where they were one crisis away from another bout of homelessness.